QUIZ FOR: Eid ul-Adha from A to Z (part 2 of 3)

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1) Whose name must be pronounced on slaughtering the animal on Eid ul Adha?

2) Identify the characteristic(s) which is different for the Eid prayer as compared to the Friday afternoon prayer in the mosque:

3) John and his family accepted Islam some two years ago. John would like to offer udhiyyah on behalf of his family. What options does he have?

4) Umar is going to the market to buy a sacrificial animal for Eid ul-Adha. Which kind of animal would be unacceptable as a sacrifice?

5) Which of the following is a recommended deed in relation to Eid ul-Adha.

6) Which of the following two sacrificial animals can cover the share of seven people?

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