QUIZ FOR: Those Shaded when there is no Shade (part 1 of 2): Allah’sMercy made Manifest

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1) Select a true statement with regards to the Prophetic hadith referring to those under the shade on the Day of Judgment.

2) What will be the cause of intense heat on the Day of Judgment?

3) What does it mean to love someone for the sake of Allah?

4) How many times more reward does a man praying in the mosque have in comparison to praying at home?

5) From the following, which type of person is not amongst those who will stand in the shade on the Day of Judgment?

6) In accordance to the Prophetic hadith, what kind of mutual love leads one to stand in the shade on the Day of Judgment?

7) From the kinds of people who will be granted shade on the Day of Judgment, we understand that:

8) On the Day of Judgment, the effects of heat:

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To proceed to next lesson and take this quiz later on, click here: Those Shaded when there is no Shade (part 2 of 2): Strivingto be Shaded