QUIZ FOR: The Companions of Prophet Muhammad: Salman Al-Farsi

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1) After his conversion to Islam, Salman Al-Farsi:

2) What helped Salman Al-Farsi identify Prophet Muhammad?

3) What was Salman Al-Farsi’s reaction upon recognizing Prophet Muhammad?

4) During his religious quest, Salman Al-Farsi sought a prophet who:

5) Salman Al-Farsi is also referred to as:

6) Before his conversion to Islam what faith had Salman Al-Farsi adopted?

7) How did Salman Al-Farsi free himself of slavery and his cruel master?

8) Select a false statement with regards to Salman Al-Farsi.

9) On which faith was Salman Al-Farsi brought up on?

10) Salman Al-Farsi is regarded as being from amongst:

11) Select a true statement with regards to Salman Al-Farsi’s early life.

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