QUIZ FOR: Detailed Biography of Prophet Muhammad - Meccan Period (part3 of 3)

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1) After the conversion of which companion were the Muslims now unafraid to pray openly before the Kabah without fearing the Quraysh?

2) Which of the following uncles did the Prophet try to persuade to reconsider Islam before he breathed his last?

3) In the 6th year of prophethood the conversion of the Prophet’s uncle was a great source of strength for the Muslims. What was the uncle’s name?

4) What did the Meccans accuse the Prophet of being in order to spread negative propaganda against him?

5) For how many years did the boycott of the Muslims from Mecca last?

6) During the thirteenth year of prophethood, the people of which city specifically requested the Prophet to come and serve as their new leader?

7) To which land did the Prophet initially direct his followers to migrate to in order to seek relief from the persecution faced in Mecca?

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