QUIZ FOR: Introduction to Sects (part 2 of 2)

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1) As a new Muslim, Bilal came into contact with Muslims belonging to various sects and became confused. Identifying deviant sects is:

2) Prince Karim Agha Khan is the leader of:

3) Which sect keenly celebrates the birthday of Prophet Muhammad?

4) People belonging to the same sect may significantly differ from one another in their beliefs and practices. The underlying cause for this is the:

5) Which of the following beliefs and practices are characteristic to the sect ‘Nation of Islam’?

6) Which sect is also known as “Sevener Shi'ites”?

7) The most controversial and confusing ‘sect’ with regards to its diversity is the:

8) Which of the following beliefs and practices are characteristic to the Ismailis sect?

9) Which two sects believe in a chosen messenger after the death of Prophet Muhammad:

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