QUIZ FOR: How to Deal with Sadness and Worry (part 2 of 2): Establish a relationship with Allah

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1) In a state of distress it is important to remember that Allah is close by. An effective way to reach Him is by:

2) According to the Prophet Muhammad, when Allah wishes to do good to somebody:

3) Putting our faith and trust in Allah:

4) Select a true statement:

5) How can we know more about our Creator?

6) How does contemplating and using the Names of Allah when calling out to Him bring us relief from distress?

7) Prophet Muhammad encouraged us to call on Allah by:

8) Which of the following is a means of becoming closer to Allah?

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To go back to current lesson, click here: How to Deal with Sadness and Worry (part 2 of 2): Establish a relationship with Allah

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