QUIZ FOR: A Brief Biography of Prophet Muhammad (part1 of 2): The Meccan Period

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1) Which city leaders made a secret pledge to protect the Prophet should the disbelievers try to kill him?

2) What skill did the prophet Muhammad learn from his uncle at a young age?

3) By the age of eight which family member did the Prophet Muhammad lose on account of their death?

4) Select a correct statement with regards to the family of the Prophet Muhammad.

5) In whose care did Prophet Muhammad learn the rudiments of statecraft?

6) Select a true statement with regards to Khadijah, the first wife of Prophet Muhammad.

7) Throughout history and around the world non-Muslims have shown great honor to Prophet Muhammad and he is considered influential:

8) During the early period of severe persecution by the idol worshippers, to whom did the Prophet Muhammad send a group of Muslims to seek protection?

9) Allah declared Prophet Muhammad to be:

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