QUIZ FOR: Satan: Humankind’s Worst Enemy (part 1 of 2)

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1) Select from the following the long term goal of Satan:

2) For what reason is Satan deprived of ever knowing Allah's mercy?

3) Which of the following is false with regards to Satan?

4) The ‘Shaytan’ personifies:

5) Select from the following the short term goal(s) of Satan:

6) What vow has Shaytan made to Almighty Allah?

7) ‘Shaytan’ is a creature from amongst:

8) Everyone who worships something other than Allah, be it an idol, the sun, a person or a principle, is in essence:

9) Which of the following is true of Shaytan?

10) The purpose behind the realization of Shaytan’s short term goals is:

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