QUIZ FOR: Trials and Tribulations after Conversion (part 1 of 2): Allah’smercy is embedded in the difficulties of life

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1) Allah comforts the believer who is faced with tribulation and gives him glad tidings. In order to attain this success the believer must:

2) In the Holy Quran the life of this world has been referred to as:

3) Which of the following is true with regards to the changes in ones worldly life after converting to Islam?

4) Select a true statement with regards to the trials and tribulations.

5) After converting to Islam Sarah faced many unexpected trials and tribulations. This is because:

6) What is the purpose behind the trials and tribulations sent down upon the believer?

7) Allah tests the believer by presenting him with trials and tribulations by way of:

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To go back to current lesson, click here: Trials and Tribulations after Conversion (part 1 of 2): Allah’smercy is embedded in the difficulties of life

To proceed to next lesson and take this quiz later on, click here: Trials and Tribulations after Conversion (part 2 of 2)