QUIZ FOR: Glimpses from the Life of Prophet Yusuf

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1) What were the factors that led to the ultimate success of Prophet Yusuf?

2) Prophet Yusuf's brothers planned to seal his fate as a lost and forgotten soul. Despite their cruel intentions Prophet Yusuf ended up becoming well established in the land of Egypt. What lesson do we learn from this?

3) What was the relation of Prophet Yaqub to Prophet Yusuf?

4) What is the wisdom behind the pain and suffering endured by Yusuf during the years before his Prophethood?

5) What does the act of being patient require of us?

6) In times of stress and anxiety one must be patient, this means:

7) What was the fate of Prophet Yusuf after he was separated from his family during his teenage years?

8) Select a true statement.

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