QUIZ FOR: The Companions of Prophet Muhammad: Bilal ibn Rabah

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1) What was the relation of Bilal ibn Rabah to Prophet Muhammad?

2) Who was Umayyah ibn Khalaf?

3) Bilal ibn Rabah holds the distinction of being:

4) After Bilal ibn Rabah declared his acceptance of the message of Islam, what did it result in?

5) What heritage did Bilal ibn Rabah belong to?

6) Bilal ibn Rabah is regarded as being from amongst:

7) After the death of Prophet Muhammad, Bilal ibn Rabah:

8) The story of Bilal ibn Rabah demonstrates:

9) One of the methods of torture used to get Bilal ibn Rabah to renounce Islam was to:

10) Which companion was sent by Prophet Muhammad to investigate about Bilal ibn Rabah upon hearing the news of his torture?

11) Bilal ibn Rabah began his life as:

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