
Adultery, Fornication, & Pornography (part 2 of 2)


Description: Today, a large portion of people cohabit with their girlfriends, have casual sex, or watch porn.  These lessons will teach a new Muslim what Islam teaches about a topic that directly effects the hearts.

By Imam Mufti (© 2013 NewMuslims.com)

Published on 20 May 2013 - Last modified on 25 Jun 2019

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·Learn about the effects of zina on health, relationships, and children.

·Learn about the four measures laid down in Islam for protection from zina.

Arabic Terms:

·Zina - Adultery or fornication involving vaginal and anal intercourse, but also refers to other types of inappropriate sexual behavior.

·Imaan – faith, belief or conviction.

·Tawheed – The Oneness and Uniqueness of Allah with respect to His Lordship, His Names and Attributes and in His right to be worshipped.

·Salah – the Arabic word to denote a direct connection between the believer and Allah.  More specifically, in Islam it refers to the formal five daily prayers and is the most important form of worship.

·Dhikr - (plural: adhkar) remembrance of Allah.

What are Some of the Consequences of Zina?

AdulteryFornication2.jpgPre-marital sex is documented to have long-lasting negative consequences including having children outside of marriage, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), emotional problems, promiscuity, and future break-up of marriages.

Today in the US, 35% of all births are outside of marriage.  Mothers and fathers who have children from zina are less likely to marry and more likely to suffer from depression and to live in poverty than are those who do not have children outside of marriage.  Children born to teen mothers are more likely than other children to have lower grades, to drop out of high school, to be abused or neglected, to have a child as an unmarried teenager, and to be delinquent. 

Those who engage in zina have a high risk of contracting an STD.  Each year there are 15 million new cases in the US, and more than 65 million people in the US currently have an incurable STD.  Each year 3 million teens are infected with an STD. 

Our Prophet gave an amazing prophecy relating the spread of STDs with the prevalence of zina.  He said:

“If zina will prevail till people will advertise it in public, Allah will inflict on them diseases which did not exist before.”[1]

A 2005 study of youth in grades 7-11 found that engaging in zina often leads to depression.  Compared to girls who abstain, girls who engage in zina are two to three times more likely to be depressed and they are more likely to commit suicide.

The media greatly influences teenagers falling into zina.  A study in Pediatrics found that teens who watched high amounts of TV with zina were twice as likely to commit zina during the following year as compared to those who watched minimal amounts.  According to the study, discussions of zina on TV had the same effect on teens as depictions of zina.

Religion plays an important role in helping teens not fall into zina.  In a 2004 report by the National Center for Health Statistics, teens stated that the main reason they had not done zina yet was that it was “against their religion or morals.”

A 2003 study found that teens, particularly girls, who pray, believe religion is important, attend religious organizations regularly, and participate in youth groups are less likely to do zina than less religious teens. 

Measures Laid Down by Islam for Protection from Zina

We should understand the four means laid down by Islam to prevent and reduce zina - establishing belief in Allah in our hearts, observing Islamic regulations of gender interaction, observing the Islamic dress code, and getting married.  Each one of these have been discussed below:

1.    Strengthening one’s imaan and belief in Allah: establish the Tawheed in the heart and understanding that Allah has created us, He deserves our worship and love, He commands and prohibits, and Allah alone knows what is good for us and what is bad.  A Muslim should utilize all means to strengthen and maintain his faith and to keep an eye for what weakens it.  Regular salah prayer with focus, attending the mosque, and daily words of remembrance (adhkar) would be on top of the list.  Staying away from pornography, distractions, and bad friends are also parts of the equation.

2.    Observing the boundaries of male-female interaction set in the Quran and Sunnah: avoid the type of intermingling between men and women that is disapproved.  A separate lesson will be devoted to this topic.

3.    Observing the dress code: both men and women should observe the proper Islamic dress code as required by Islam.[2]

4.    Getting Married: Allah has made marriage a way to protect oneself from falling into zina.  Prophet Muhammad said, ‘…whosoever from among you can get married, let him marry; for it is better for the lowering of the gaze.  And it is better as a protection of the private parts.”[3]

Healthy marriage with a compatible Muslim spouse will greatly assist a person in keeping the mind and body pure.[4]  For those who have a strong sexual desire but for some reason cannot marry should fast.  They can fast three days a month or Mondays and Thursdays.[5]

Lastly, make a mental switch.  Imagine the most good-looking person on earth will soon grow old and become unattractive.  Imagine that this person also uses the toilet like anyone else.  Imagine that you cannot afford to burn in Hell for few minutes of pleasure with him or her.  If in doubt, read more about Hell. 


[1] Ibn Majah

[2] This has been discussed in more detail here: (http://www.newmuslims.com/lessons/135/)  [3 parts]

[3] Saheeh Al-Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim

[4] You can learn more about finding a spouse here: (http://www.newmuslims.com/lessons/156/) [2 parts]

[5] To learn more about voluntary fasts, please see: (http://www.newmuslims.com/lessons/191/)

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