QUIZ FOR: Friday Prayer (part 1 of 2)

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1) In Arabic the Friday prayer is referred to as:

2) Muslims offer the Friday prayer:

3) Select the statement which is false with regards to the Friday sermon.

4) Salat ul-Jumuah consists of:

5) Which of the following are not obligated to offer the Friday prayer?

6) Identify the virtues of the Friday prayer in accordance to the Prophetic narration.

7) Identify the important events which took place on Friday, in accordance to the Prophetic narration.

8) Natasha likes to pray Salat ul-Jumuah with her fellow Muslim students at the mosque near campus. However this Friday she missed it. What should she do?

9) Select the correct statement.

10) The person delivering the Friday sermon is referred to as the:

11) Identify the way(s) in which Salat ul-Jumuah is different than the Dhuhr prayer.

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