QUIZ FOR: Eid ul-Adha from A to Z (part 3 of 3)

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1) Tanisha felt awkward and out of place last Eid when people from different parts of the world were saying strange words to her on Eid. She wants to prepare herself for all the Eid greetings this time. What is not an appropriate Eid greeting?

2) The last two Eids were like any other day for John - he just worked. This year, he actually wants to 'celebrate' Eid. What advice can you give him?

3) Salat ul-Eid comprises of:

4) Which of the following things do Muslims enjoy offering others especially on Eid?

5) How does knowing the greetings to be exchanged with one another on Eid ul-Adha and their appropriate responses help a new Muslim?

6) Naila, a single mom and a busy nurse, has been Muslim for three years. She would like to offer udhiyyah.

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