QUIZ FOR: The Rights of Neighbours in Islam (part 1 of 2):  The KindTreatment of Neighbours

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1) With regards to giving gifts to one’s neighbors what did the Prophet Muhammad encourage Muslims to do?

2) Islamically, who is a good neighbor?

3) The great emphasis laid by Islam on upholding the rights of neighbors can be seen from the fact that:

4) According to Prophet Muhammad, which of the following is from amongst the things that bring happiness to a believer in this life?

5) According to Prophet Muhammad, which neighbor should one be most mindful of?

6) Select a true statement.

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To go back to current lesson, click here: The Rights of Neighbours in Islam (part 1 of 2):  The KindTreatment of Neighbours

To proceed to next lesson and take this quiz later on, click here: The Rights of Neighbours in Islam (part 2 of 2): Neighbours -Good and Bad