QUIZ FOR: The Companions of Prophet Muhammad: Zayd ibn Thabit

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1) For which battle did Prophet Muhammad reject Zaid ibn Thabit’s request to join the army?

2) Which of the following is true with regards to Zaid ibn Thabit?

3) Which language besides Hebrew did the Prophet instruct Zaid ibn Thabit to learn after he recognized Zayd’s gift for languages?

4) How did Zaid ibn Thabit make use of his proficiency in foreign languages during the time of Prophet Muhammad?

5) After being devastated for not being allowed to participate in battle, how did he respond?

6) In which battle was Zaid ibn Thabit finally able to fulfill his desire to participate in a military campaign.

7) What distinction does Zaid ibn Thabit hold in Islam?

8) About what age is Zaid ibn Thabit believed to have been when Prophet Muhammad made Hijrah to Medina?

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